August 22, 2017

You're Doing a Good Job

I did a video last week about being a parent and how we rarely hear that we're doing something right. We doubt ourselves a lot... because we care. And that means you're doing a good job.

P.S. I meant to post this last week however my internet was like "no way! Forget that business!" and then I did actually forget that business never actually posted. Whoops!

August 11, 2017

Weekly Vlog #10

Hard to believe I've uploaded 10 of these now, but this was my previous week. Hung out at home and went camping without the kiddo. Was very relaxing!

August 4, 2017

The Weekly Vlog #9

The new weekly vlog is up! I also uploaded a Morbid History video earlier this week but forgot to put it up here because... I forgot.