September 29, 2011

Ramblings of an Angry Wife

Why is it that when a woman is justifiably angry about something she is a bitch, while a man is just being a man?

Like today for example. I told my husband what we would be having for dinner last night. I had planned all day for the meal and when he comes home he says he’s grilling steak (not what I had planned by the way). When I get angry, he says I’m acting like a bitch. Now I’m even more angry (bordering on furious) and he won’t even listen to my side of things. I’m a bitch and there is apparently nothing I can do to change this. I don’t agree with divorce for me (other people do what you want, I don’t really care) but now I think it looks pretty good.

Are all men this idiotic? If so I don’t know why we put up with it. I think we should just use men for breeding purposes and start ruling the world. Less wars... just saying. So now he is in his man room eating cereal for dinner, thinking that he showed me by not eating "real" dinner. I, on the other hand, will be finding myself something good to make because I have a female brain, therefore I act less like an ape.

September 20, 2011

One of Those Days

Today is one of those days where I just want to punch someone in the face. Am I the only person who has those days?

It may have something to do with the fact that I had to go to Walmart today. Or I'm just PMS-ing. Every time I leave that place I feel worse that when I walked in. Or maybe being in crowds of people like that gives me anxiety.

But when I got home I relaxed in my PJ's, ate SpagettiOs and watched Jeopardy. Getting Jeopardy questions right makes me feel like a genius! And makes me feel better. Watching this video also makes me feel better. Laughter is contagious.