May 28, 2014

Comic Con!

I went to Motor City Comic Con! It was pretty awesome, but it was mostly a giant nerd mall that you have to pay to enter and it's Halloween. I came away with a pretty good haul, at least.

My favorite was my nerd art.
 From top to bottom:
Art by Ken Krekler, I can't remember... sorry!, and Thirteenth Floor

I also got some more graphic novels.
From left to right:

I went with a few friends and had a great time and I was only slightly awkward, so I'll call that a win. We only went for 1 day, so if I ever go again I'll have to go for 2 days and take my time. I didn't go to any panels (not enough time) or get any autographs (because I'm cheap). I think I may have had more fun if I got there early enough for panels.

Comic Con "red carpet". I'm dressed as SHIELD agent Jemma 
Simmons. I don't know what to do with my hands...

There were some really cool costumes. One of my favorites (that I have pictures of) was a mother-daughter costume (Uhura!) and a really cool Master Chief.

Love this costume idea! And the little girl was so cute!

My favorite worst costume was a aluminum foil Thor. This guy made the Thor helmet with foil and had a foil hammer and a towel for a cape. It was so awful that I thought it was hilarious. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures.

If you want to check out some more pictures, go here!

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